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Product details
File Size: 35584 KB
Print Length: 286 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0134385128
Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Publisher: Peachpit Press; 1 edition (September 29, 2015)
Publication Date: September 29, 2015
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#561,498 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Well, the book is advertised as the best of series 1-5, but on practice it's repetition over repetition - same things repeated twice or even more times. There are some good advice, but nothing you cannot read/watch in any tutorial for beginners online. The part I liked most was real life settings for pictures taken. They allow you to compare what you do with what pros do. An OK reading, not superb.
This is a fine book, but it really only wets one's appetite for the real books from which these chapters are drawn. The format--basically one concept or technique per page--limits the depth on any specific topic, but it is still an interesting read.
Well, even though he sold his soul to Canon, I have every book in this series and love them all. Because I only get out shooting occasionally, I was carrying the first two books and the recipe book in my camera bag. With this book, I was able to replace the other three and shed about 10 lbs of weight. I loved it so much I downloaded it onto my iPad, too, using the Kindle app. Highly recommend this and all his books!
Scott Kelby has written several books such as this one, however this one is composed of all the important section from his previous books. I love it and find myself referring to it often. There are many details on exactly how he achieved a particular shot. Scott, thanks for the tips!
Scott Kelby is my Yoda. Plain and simple. He is the Jedi master of photography. I have been learning from him for years and I have most of his books on Photoshop and Lightroom. I'm always learning something new, and if I ever have a question, his website usually has the answers.
This book is not for beginners. As the tips and suggestions are not explained, but rather just told with the assumption you already know your camera.
Lots of great information for you to get the best photography you can with your camera. Easy to understand.
Easy to read, easy to understand.